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Conference summarizing the activities set out in WP2

IMG 3468The Conference of the activities set out in WP2 - e-Repositories entitled "Creating institutional repositories - an opportunity for increasing the visibility of Moldovan universities in the  global information space" was held on October 30, 2015.

     The meeting was opened by Ms Ecaterina Zasmenco, director of the Central University Library, MSU who welcomed the audience. Opening remarks were given by Ms Angela Niculiţă, vice-rector for International Relations Assoc. Prof. MSU and Ms Virginia Revenco, Erasmus + Coordinator in Moldova. The start of communication session was given by members WP2, e-repository creation, Viorica Lupu and Ana Gudima. Towards the end of the conference the moderators Viorica Gudima and Ana Lupu have read the recommendations on the further development of institutional repositories, within the MISISQ project as follows:

  1. Registering the institutional repositories in international registers as  ROAR, DOAR,  etc.
  2. Approving the Institutional Policy on Open Access and Rules of organization and functioning of IR during the Senates of universities participating in the project.
  3. Registering the Institutional Policy on Open Access in ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repository Mandatory Archiving Policies).
  4. The development of content and technological aspect of repositories.
  5. Finalizing the creation of IR User Guide.
  6. Including  in the Regulation on the organization and functioning of IR of a section dedicated to relations with users.
  7. Registration on the website handle.net.

At the end of the conference the word was given to Mrs Liubov Karnaeva, national coordinator of Tempus Project - "Modern Information Services for Improvement Study Quality", who highlighted the importance of this project for universities in the country and thanked the project partners, members of working group WP2 for their work, dedication and good results.

The conference materials are attached:

List of participants

Разработка репозитория на базе Dspace: опыт Научно-Медицинской Библиотеки ГУМФ им. Николае Тестемицану

Использование метаданных Дублинского ядра в описание информационных ресурсов

Configurări în DSpace pentru personalizarea interfeţei repozitoriului digital

Organizarea și funcționarea repozitoriului instituțional: cadrul de reglementare

Arhivarea electronică în bibliotecile universitare: aspecte legale și de conținut

Repozitoriul instituţional în percepţia comunităţii academice

Conceptualizarea structurii repozitoriilor instituționale

Utilizarea instrumentului Google Analytics în măsurarea indicatorilor statistici: experienţa BŞ USARB


Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences

Open Research Archive USARB

Institutional Repository of Economic Knowledge

Institutional Repository of Moldova State University

Institutional Repository of Technical University University of Moldova

Institutional Repository in Agricultural Sciences

Digital Institutional Repository - SPU


Coordinator in UE:

Kretaviciene Meile,



+370 37 327 201

+370 37 327 219


Coordinator in MD:

Karnaeva Liubovi,



+373 22 205 552

+373 22 205 553
